Become A Volunteer Contact us and find out about potential individual or group volunteer opportunities. Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Cell Phone * (###) ### #### Home Phone (###) ### #### Birthday Date * MM DD YYYY Email * Employer How did you hear about The Rey Feo? * Why do you want to volunteer? * Describe your work experience or education that will assist you in a volunteer position? * Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a criminal offense? * Note: Conviction of an offense does not necessarily mean an individual will not be allowed to participate. Yes No Do you have any physical limitations? If so,explain. * Yes No Explain Current or past volunteer community activities * What are your hobbies or recreational interests? Please select your area(s) of interest Social Activities Landscaping Food Prep Teaching Crafting Cooking Classes Public Relations Office Help Fundraising Are there specific volunteer, activities you want to be involved in at The Rey Feo? When would you be available for volunteer work? Please accept the below terms to submit. I understand that a background check and fingerprinting could be required depending on my volunteer placement. Thank you!